NOTA: Esta página está traducida por un traductor de esos gratuitos, no es una página normal.

API of windows (1º)
any functions interestings OF API of Windows (16 and 32 bits)

Actualizado the 19-Feb-1997
Pincha aquí yes quieres see the new archive onto THE API

Functions and examples:

  1. Sendmessage: the than ever hay than tener to hand
  2. Setwindowword: create windows flotantes
  3. Handling of windows ...
  4. Getvolumeinformation: read the volume of a drive (32 bits)
  5. Getdrivetype: check the type of unit
  6. Let a window ever visible
  7. To wear Sleep in lieu of Doevents
  8. Handling of record
  9. Dialogs comunes OF API
  10. Icons on the bar of task
  11. Marcador of phones of Win95
  12. Sleep parece than don't sirve for sustituir to doevents ...
  13. To wear Gettickcount in lieu of Timer
    Example of Gettickcount()
  14. Files of declarations OF API (16 and 32 bits)
  15. Read the label of volume and the número of series (sólo 32 bits)
  16. the línea actual and the número of lines a -box
  17. Usage of Postmessage in lieu of Sendmessage


1.- Sendmessage: the than ever hay than tener to hand

'declaration  OF  API  of  16 bits 
Declare Function Sendmessage Lib "User" _ 
        (Byval hwnd As Integer, Byval wmsg As Integer, _ 
         Byval wparam As Integer, lparam As Any) As Long 
'declaration  OF  API  of  32 bits. 
Declare Function Sendmessage Lib "User32" Alias "Sendmessagea" _ 
        (Byval hwnd As Long, Byval wmsg As Long, _ 
         Byval wparam As Long, lparam As Long) As Long 
'utilities  a    of edition : 
'declaration  the constantes  
Global Const WM_USER = &H400 
Global Const EM_GETSEL = WM_USER + 0 
Global Const EM_SETSEL = WM_USER + 1 
Global Const EM_REPLACESEL = WM_USER + 18 
Global Const EM_UNDO = WM_USER + 23 
Global Const WM_CUT = &H300 
Global Const WM_COPY = &H301 
Global Const WM_PASTE = &H302 
Global Const WM_CLEAR = &H303 
    'notice: yes se ago of this shape , 
    'don't is necessary  to wear  a variable   for assign   the boldness  devuelto. 
    If Sendmessage(Screen.Activeform.Activecontrol.hwnd, EM_UNDO, 0, Byval 0&) Then 
    End If 
    'también: x = Sendmessage(Screen.Activeform.Activecontrol.hwnd, EM_UNDO, 0, Byval 0&) 
    If Sendmessage(Screen.Activeform.Activecontrol.hwnd, WM_COPY, 0, Byval 0&) Then 
    End If 
    If Sendmessage(Screen.Activeform.Activecontrol.hwnd, WM_CUT, 0, Byval 0&) Then 
    End If 
    If Sendmessage(Screen.Activeform.Activecontrol.hwnd, WM_CLEAR, 0, Byval 0&) Then 
    End If 
    If Sendmessage(Screen.Activeform.Activecontrol.hwnd, WM_PASTE, 0, Byval 0&) Then 
    End If 
'select  all : 
    If Sendmessage(Screen.Activeform.Activecontrol.hwnd, EM_SETSEL, 0, Byval &HFFFF0000) Then 
    End If 
'create  a  Textbox with 64 KB in lieu of  32
Global Const WM_USER = &H400 
Global Const EM_LIMITTEXT = WM_USER + 21 
Dim LTMP As long 
LTMP = Sendmessage(Text1.hwnd, EM_LIMITTEXT, 0, Byval 0&)


2.- Setwindowword: create windows flotantes

Declare Function Setwindowword Lib "User" (Byval hwnd As Integer, Byval nindex As Integer, Byval wnewword As Integer) As Integer 
Declare Function Setwindowword Lib "User32" Alias "Setwindowword" (Byval hwnd As Long, Byval nindex As Long, Byval wnewword As Long) As Long 
'create  a window  flotante al style  the  -buffet 
'when se minimiza  the window  father, también it ago ésta. 
Const SWW_hparent = -8 
'on Form_Load (suponiendo than  the window  father is Form1) 
If Setwindowword(hwnd, SWW_hparent, form1.hwnd) Then 
End If


3.- Handling of windows ...

'declaration  of functions   for take   the lists   of tasks  
Declare Function Getwindow Lib "user" (Byval hwnd As Integer, Byval wcmd As Integer) As Integer 
Declare Function Getwindowtext Lib "user" (Byval hwnd As Integer, Byval lpstring As String, Byval nmaxcount As Integer) As Integer 
Declare Function Getwindowtextlength Lib "user" (Byval hwnd As Integer) As Integer 
Declare Function Iswindowvisible Lib "User" (Byval hwnd As Integer) As Integer 
'declarations  for  32 bits 
Declare Function Getwindow Lib "user32" Alias "Getwindow" (Byval hwnd As Long, Byval wcmd As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Getwindowtext Lib "user32" Alias "Getwindowtexta" (Byval hwnd As Long, Byval lpstring As String, Byval cch As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Getwindowtextlength Lib "user32" Alias "Getwindowtextlengtha" (Byval hwnd As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Iswindowvisible Lib "user32" (Byval hwnd As Long) As Long 
'constantes  for  Getwindow 
Const GW_HWNDLAST = 1 
Const GW_HWNDNEXT = 2 
Const GW_HWNDPREV = 3 
Const GW_OWNER = 4 
Const GW_CHILD = 5


4.- Getvolumeinformation: volumen of a drive (sólo 32 bits)

Declare Function Getvolumeinformation Lib "Kernel32" Alias "Getvolumeinformationa" (Byval lprootpathname As String, Byval lpvolumenamebuffer As String, Byval nvolumenamesize As Long, lpvolumeserialnumber As Long, lpmaximumcomponentlength As Long, lpfilesystemflags As Long, Byval lpfilesystemnamebuffer As String, Byval nfilesystemnamesize As Long) As Long

Example for read the volume of a drive , this función se puede to wear for ¡catalogar the CD'S musicales!

Dim lvsn As Long, n As Long, s1 As String, s2 As String
l= Getvolumeinformation("unit", s1, Len(s1), lvsn, 0, 0, s2, Len(s2))
'lvsn tendrá the boldness of Volume Serial Number (número of series of volume )

Yes "unit" is THE CD -ROM and tenemos a drive of music , podemos to wear THE VSN for do a catalog OF CD'S already than each CD tiene a número unlike..



5.- Getdrivetype: check the type of unit

for check yes is a CD-ROM (or CD-musical):

'values  of  retorno  of  Getdrivetype 
Public Const DRIVE_REMOVABLE = 2 
Public Const DRIVE_FIXED = 3 
Public Const DRIVE_REMOTE = 4 
'estos types  don't  están on  the file  of the declarations   OF  API  of  16 bits 
Public Const DRIVE_CDROM = 5 
Public Const DRIVE_RAMDISK = 6 
Declare Function Getdrivetype Lib "Kernel" (Byval ndrive As Integer) As Integer 
Declare Function Getdrivetype Lib "Kernel32" Alias "Getdrivetypea" (Byval ndrive As String) As Long 
Dim ldrive As Long 
Dim szroot As String 
szroot="D:\" 'put aquí  the unit   OF CD -ROM or  the than  queramos check 
ldrive= Getdrivetype(szroot) 
If ldrive = DRIVE_CDROM Then 
    'is  A CD -ROM/Compact-Disc 
End If 



6.- Let a window ever visible

De novo usaremos THE API of windows : Setwindowpos

'declaration  for to wear  windows ever visibles  
'version  for  16 bits 
Declare Function Setwindowpos Lib "User" (Byval hwnd As Integer, Byval hwndinsertafter As Integer, Byval X As Integer, Byval AND As Integer, Byval cx As Integer, Byval cy As Integer, Byval wflags As Integer) As Integer 
'version  for  32 bits 
Declare Function Setwindowpos Lib "User32" Alias "Setwindowpos" (Byval hwnd As Long, Byval hwndinsertafter As Long, Byval x As Long, Byval and As Long, Byval cx As Long, Byval cy As Long, Byval wflags As Long) As Long 
' Setwindowpos Flags 
Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1 
Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2 
'const SWP_NOZORDER = &H4 
'const SWP_NOREDRAW = &H8 
'const SWP_DRAWFRAME = &H20 
'const SWP_HIDEWINDOW = &H80 
'const SWP_NOCOPYBITS = &H100 
'const SWP_NOREPOSITION = &H200 
'código  for put  on Form_Load 
'of  this shape  there is not  necessary  to wear  a variable   for assign   the boldness  devuelto: 
If Setwindowpos(hwnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_FLAGS) Then 
End if 



7.- To wear Sleep in lieu of Doevents

for yes alguno don't it sabe, Doevents se usa when queremos than anothers programs/processs of windows sigan funcionando, of shape than our program don't se apodere all the time THE . for example when hacemos a loop than puede durar "much", al execute Doevents, Windows allows than anothers programs sigan funcionando normally.
Is advisable ever to wear Doevents ( or Sleep 0&) on the loops longs. I también it usage when quiero than se "refresque" the information a . ¿Cuantas times has the at assigned a Label a new Caption and don't it ha mostrado?, proof to put Doevents después of the allocating and verás as shown enseguida. (¡oye, esto debería appear on the tricks !)

this truco está sacado of tips & Tricks, from Visual Basic Web Magazine. According to the author the función Doevents ago it next::

while (Peekmessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { 

With it cual gasta time comprobandos anothers messages on the same process. this behavior don't tiene boldness into one system operativo multitarea. Sleep it ago of shape plus efficient..
the declaration of Sleep is:

Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" (Byval dwmilliseconds As Long)

AND se puede call of the next shape:

Sleep 0&



8.- Handling of record of system

Aquí os pongo any examples for to wear the Record with THE API of 32 bits.
Creo than también vale for 16 bits, don't it he probado, but sólo habrá than change the declaration of the functions . for yes vale, pondré también the declarations of 16 bits. But than conste than the probado.

Yes quieres a example with todas these functions, echale a vistazo al código of program gsexecute, than está on (19 KB) the explanation of cómo funciona this program the encontrarás on Programs of soluciones Basic.

Normally, for gets the programs associates to a extent , sólo is necessary to wear the función: Regqueryvalue. the next función of example , is the than usage for gets information a of record :

Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000 
Declare Function Regqueryvalue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "Regqueryvaluea" _ 
    (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpsubkey As String, Byval lpvalue As String, _ 
     lpcbvalue As Long) As Long 
'busca  a input  on  the record  
Private Function Queryregbase(Byval Entry As String, Optional vkey) As String 
    Dim buf As String 
    Dim buflen As Long 
    Dim hkey As Long 
    'yes  don't  se especifica  the  clave  of record , to wear HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 
    If Ismissing(vkey) Then 
        hkey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 
        hkey = CLNG(vkey) 
    End If 
    On The error local  Resume Next 
    buf = Space$(300) 
    buflen = Len(buf) 
    'search  the input  especificada and devolver  the boldness  assigned  
    If Regqueryvalue(hkey, Entry, buf, buflen) = 0 Then 
        If buflen > 1 Then 
            'he format devuelto is ASCIIZ, thus than remove  the ultimate  character 
            Queryregbase = Left$(buf, buflen - 1) 
            Queryregbase = "" 
        End If 
        Queryregbase = "" 
    End If 
    'desactivar  the detecting   of errores  
    On The error local  Goto 0 
End Function

for usarla, for example for know the program associated for unlock a determinada extent, of than program se obtiene the icon and than número of icon is:
NOTICE: for to wear this example , hay than tener a control List2 on the Form and the routine mostrada antes.

Private Sub Buscarextensionid(sext As String) 
    Dim lret As Long 
    Dim skey As String 
    Dim svalue As String 
    Dim hkey As Long 
    Dim sexe As String 
    Dim sicon As String 
    Dim licon As Long 
    Dim sprogid As String 
    Dim i As Integer 
    Caption = "Show asociaciones  the  : " & sext 
    List2.Visible  = True 
    List2.Additem "Values  of record   for  " & sext 
    'search on  the record   the extent ... 
    sprogid = Queryregbase(sext) 
    If Len(sprogid) Then 
        List2.Additem "Clave: " & sprogid 
        skey = sprogid & "\Defaulticon" 
        List2.Additem skey 
        svalue = Queryregbase(skey) 
        If Len(svalue) Then 
            i = Instr(svalue, ",") 
            If i Then 
                sicon = Left$(svalue, i - 1) 
                licon = Val(Mid$(svalue, i + 1)) 
            Else    'don't tiene program  for  Defaulticon 
                sicon = svalue 
                licon = 0 
                svalue = "" 
            End If 
        End If 
        List2.Additem "   Icon  of : " & sicon 
        List2.Additem "   Icon nº: " & licon 
        'gets  the program  associated  by default   for unlock  
    'don't quiere say than  this  sea  the than  se ejecute when se haga double-click 
        skey = sprogid & "\Shell\Open\Command" 
        svalue = Queryregbase(skey) 
        If Len(svalue) Then 
            i = Instr(svalue, ".") 
            If i Then 
                i = Instr(i, svalue, " ") 
                If i Then 
                    sexe = Trim$(Left$(svalue, i - 1)) 
                    sexe = Trim$(svalue) 
                End If 
                sexe = Trim$(svalue) 
            End If 
        End If 
        List2.Additem skey 
        List2.Additem "   Program associated:: " & sexe 
    End If 
End Sub

Example for create claves on the record :
In order not to alargar demasiado this file , aquí sólo están the declarations of the functions ; on the listings of program gsexecute, hay examples of cómo create and borrar for associate /desasociar a program a extent determinada.

'claves  of record  
Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000 
Public Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001 
Public Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 
Public Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003 
'para  the values  devueltos for the functions   of handling   of record  
Public Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0& 
Public Const ERROR_ DON'T _MORE_ITEMS = 259& 
' Data types  Reg... 
Public Const REG_SZ = 1 
'declarations  OF  API  of windows   for  32 bits 
Declare Function Regqueryvalue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "Regqueryvaluea" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpsubkey As String, Byval lpvalue As String, lpcbvalue As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regenumkey Lib "advapi32" Alias "Regenumkeya" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval isubkey As Long, Byval lpszname As String, Byval cchname As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regopenkey Lib "advapi32" Alias "Regopenkeya" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpszsubkey As String, phkresult As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regclosekey Lib "advapi32" (Byval hkey As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regcreatekey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "Regcreatekeya" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpsubkey As String, phkresult As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regsetvalue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "Regsetvaluea" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpsubkey As String, Byval dwtype As Long, Byval lpdata As String, Byval cbdata As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regdeletekey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "Regdeletekeya" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpsubkey As String) As Long 
'declarations  THE    of  16 bits 
Declare Function Regqueryvalue Lib "shell.dll" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpsubkey As String, Byval lpvalue As String, lpcbvalue As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regenumkey Lib "shell.dll" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval isubkey As Long, Byval lpszname As String, Byval cchname As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regopenkey Lib "shell.dll" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpszsubkey As String, phkresult As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regclosekey Lib "shell.dll" (Byval hkey As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regcreatekey Lib "shell.dll" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpsubkey As String, phkresult As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regsetvalue Lib "shell.dll" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpsubkey As String, Byval dwtype As Long, Byval lpdata As String, Byval cbdata As Long) As Long 
Declare Function Regdeletekey Lib "shell.dll" (Byval hkey As Long, Byval lpsubkey As String) As Long 

a notice of precaución:
Yes vas to work with the record of system , te recomiendo than antes hagas copy of same . On THE CD of windows 95, hay a utility: ERU.exe than copy the archives of system , as well as Autoexec, etc. If they didnt tienes this program , copy the archives System.dat and User.dat than están the directory of windows .
Fate and that don't se te cuelgue!



9.- Dialogs comunes using THE API of Windows (16 and 32 bits)

the functions for handle the dialogs comunes OF API of windows , son the nexts :
Notice: On 16 bits don't están todas the than son, is than don't tengo now to hand the file with the declarations for select the colour and the fonts . Yes the necesitas , don't dudes on pedirlas, the buscaré. on any sitio tengo than tenerlas. 8-)

'Declarations  THE    of  16 bits 
'unlock and keep 
Declare Function Getopenfilename Lib "commdlg.dll" (lpofn As tagopenfilename) As Integer 
Declare Function Getsavefilename Lib "commdlg.dll" (lpofn As tagopenfilename) As Integer 
'search and replace (aún  don't  he could ponerlas on walking???) 
Declare Function Findtext Lib "commdlg.dll" (lpfr As tagfindreplace) As Integer 
Declare Function Replacetext Lib "commdlg.dll" (lpfr As tagfindreplace) As Integer 
'para  the printer  
Declare Function Printdlg Lib "commdlg.dll" (tagpd As tagprintdlg) As Integer 
'Declarations  for  32 bits 
'unlock and keep 
Declare Function Getopenfilename Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "Getopenfilenamea" (popenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long 
Declare Function Getsavefilename Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "Getsavefilenamea" (popenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long 
Declare Function Getfiletitle Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "Getfiletitlea" (Byval lpszfile As String, Byval lpsztitle As String, Byval cbbuf As Integer) As Integer 
'search and replace 
Declare Function Findtext Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "Findtexta " (pfindreplace As FINDREPLACE) As Long 
Declare Function Replacetext Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "Replacetexta" (pfindreplace As FINDREPLACE) As Long 
'para  the printer  
Declare Function Printdlg Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "Printdlga" (pprintdlg As PRINTDLG) As Long 
Declare Function Pagesetupdlg Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "Pagesetupdlga" (ppagesetupdlg As PAGESETUPDLG) As Long 
'para  the colors  
Declare Function Choosecolor Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "Choosecolora" (pchoosecolor As CHOOSECOLOR) As Long 
'las fonts 
Declare Function Choosefont Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "Choosefonta" (pchoosefont As CHOOSEFONT) As Long 

don't incluyo examples nor the declarations the types, for being demasiado "larges"". But the incluyo into one listed with examples for unlock , etc., though with the functions for 16 bits, already than since than usage THE VB for 32 bits, floor hacerlo with the control than trae. Yes quieres see examples using the control of dialogs comunes, pasate the página of tricks .

Listed with the declarations for dialogs comunes using THE API of windows ( 5.012 bytes)



10.- Show a icon on the bar of tasks

Thanks to Joe Levasseur for send this example of cómo create a icon on the bar of tasks .
Baja the listed of example ( 6.717 bytes)

Aquí pongo part of código, for the than sólo quieren echar a vistazo:

    cbsize As Long 
    hwnd As Long 
    uid As Long 
    uflags As Long 
    ucallbackmessage As Long 
    hicon As Long 
    sztip As String * 64 
End Type 
Private Const NIM_ADD = &H0 
Private Const NIM_MODIFY = &H1 
Private Const NIM_DELETE = &H2 
Private Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200 
Private Const NIF_MESSAGE = &H1 
Private Const NIF_ICON = &H2 
Private Const NIF_TIP = &H4 
Private Const WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = &H203 
Private Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN = &H201 
Private Const WM_LBUTTONUP = &H202 
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = &H206 
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDOWN = &H204 
Private Const WM_RBUTTONUP = &H205 
Private Declare Function Shell_Notifyicon Lib "shell32" _ 
    Alias "Shell_Notifyicona" (Byval dwmessage As Long, _ 
    pnid As TIPONOTIFICARICONO) As Boolean 
Private Declare Function Winexec& Lib "kernel32" _ 
    (Byval lpcmdline As String, Byval ncmdshow As Long) 
Private Sub Form_Load() 
    If App.Previnstance Then 
        Unload Me 
    End If 
    t.cbsize = Len(t) 
    t.hwnd = picgancho.hwnd 
    t.uid = 1& 
    t.uflags = NIF_ICON Or NIF_TIP Or NIF_MESSAGE 
    t.ucallbackmessage = WM_MOUSEMOVE 
    t.hicon = Me.Icon 
    t.sztip = "Example  of bar   of tasks ..." & Chr$(0) ' Is  a  string  of  "C" ( \0 ) 
    Shell_Notifyicon NIM_ADD, t 
    App.Taskvisible = False 
End Sub



11.- CÓMO to wear the marcador telefónico of windows 95

Thanks de novo to Joe Levasseur for send this example .
Aquí it than se shows is sólo the shape of usarlo.

Private Declare Function tapirequestmakecall& Lib "TAPI32.DLL" (Byval Destaddress&, Byval Appname$, Byval Calledparty$, Byval Comment$) 
Private Sub Command1_Click() 
    Dim Valdev&, Number$, Nombreprog$, Quien$ 
    Number = "123-4567" 
    Nombreprog = "My Program" 
    Quien = "Pepe" 
    Valdev = tapirequestmakecall(Number, Nombreprog,Quien,"") 
End Sub 



12.- Sleep parece than don't sirve for sustituir to doevents

He probado to to wear Sleep in lieu of Doevents, according to se explica on the truco 7, and don't funciona.
Al less as i do espero than it haga. Is say, sustituir Doevents for Sleep 0& don't ago than the process continue, al less on the misma applications.
He intentado do a proof , for check the función Gettickcount, and don't salía of loop ; even changeing Sleep 0& for Sleep 1&. ¿Anybody sabe for qué?



13.- To wear Gettickcount() in lieu of Timer

this función yes the he probado. the effect is the at similar to wear Timer, for know the seconds transcurridos since the midnight . the difference main,, is than Timer devuelve a boldness on seconds and Gettickcount() it devuelve on milésimas of seconds. for tanto any cálculos , is plus precisa the función OF API.
Like notice additional,, say than on THE API of 16 bits, Gettickcount() is equal than Getcurrenttime()

'la declaration  this    for  16 and 32 bits: 
#If Win32 Then 
    Declare Function Gettickcount Lib "kernel32" () As Long 
    Declare Function Gettickcount Lib "User" () As Long 
#End If

for example , podemos usarla for know the difference on the time of performance of a series of instructions , a loop , etc.

Dim T1 As Long 
Dim T2 As Long 
Dim L As Long 
T1 = Gettickcount() 
For L = 1 to 320000 
T2 = Gettickcount() 
Print "Duration: "; T2 - T1 ; " milisegundos." 



13.1.- Example of Gettickcount()

He the east done example, for see yes había plus accuracy on the función OF API than on with the Timercontrol, for yes ayudaba to peter , see Projects, but don't he noticed ninguna. He repetido the loop until 20.000 times and nothing, don't ha mostrado differences. I am sorry Peter.

Baja the listed on format zip: ( 2.390 bytes)

for usarlo, hay than create a Form with the the controls nexts

'proof  of  Timer,               (21:00 14/Ene/96) 
Option Explicit 
'declaration  OF  API 
#If Win32 Then 
    Private Declare Function Gettickcount Lib "Kernel32" () As Long 
    Private Declare Function Gettickcount Lib "User" () As Long 
#End If 
'para know than doing debe take  the  botón 
Dim Counting As Boolean 
'variables  the   
Dim g1 As Long 
Dim g2 As Long 
Dim g3 As Long 
'variables  the  1 
Dim t1 As Long 
Dim t2 As Long 
'boldness  the   
Dim vtimer As Long 
'flag  for cancel   the loop  
Dim Cancel As Boolean 
'boldness máximo  of items   to show  
Dim Maxbucle As Long 
Private Sub cmdiniciar_Click() 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdsalir_Click() 
    Cancel = True 
    Counting = True 
    Unload Me 
End Sub 
Private Sub Form_Load() 
    Timer1.Interval = 1000 
    Timer1.Enabled = False 
    Text1 = "1000" 
    Maxbucle = 20000 
End Sub 
Private Sub Text1_Change() 
    Dim vtmp 
    Static Yaestoy As Boolean 
    'don't enter while se procesa... 
    If Yaestoy Then Exit Sub 
    Yaestoy = True 
    vtmp = Val(Text1) \ 10 
    If vtmp > VSCROLL1.Min Then 
        vtmp = VSCROLL1.Min 
    End If 
    If vtmp  (g3 + 1) * 1000 Then 
        g3 = g3 + 1 
    End If 
End Sub 
Private Sub Show() 
    Label2(0) = t2 
    Label2(1) = g3 
End Sub 



14.- Files with the declarations of API of windows , FOR VB (16 and 32 bits)

these archives , están on the directory FTP: ftp/
(when pulses on this link te it mostrará cómo a directory )
and son the nexts :

API of 32 bits ( 146 KB)
API of 16 bits for windows 3.1 ( 33,9 KB)
API of 16 bits for windows 3.0 ( 25,6 KB)
API of 16 bits extensions for windows 3.1 ( 7,86 KB)



15.- Read the label and the número of series of a drive . (SÓLO 32 bits) (18/Feb)

the función than se usa for esto, is Getvolumeinformation, than está on the point 4, but it than now pongo, is a example of cómo usarla.
the example is a form with a box of text on the than se introduce the unit (directory raíz, really), of the than queremos show the information .
Like there is not a listed very large,, it pongo al complete..

'form  of proof   for read   the label  and  the  número  of series  of a drive . 
'                                                                (18/Feb/97) 
Option Explicit 
'declaration  the  , sólo está on  THE  API  of  32 bits 
Private Declare Function Getvolumeinformation Lib "Kernel32" _ 
    Alias "Getvolumeinformationa" (Byval lprootpathname As String, _ 
                                    Byval lpvolumenamebuffer As String, _ 
                                    Byval nvolumenamesize As Long, _ 
                                    lpvolumeserialnumber As Long, _ 
                                    lpmaximumcomponentlength As Long, _ 
                                    lpfilesystemflags As Long, _ 
                                    Byval lpfilesystemnamebuffer As String, _ 
                                    Byval nfilesystemnamesize As Long) As Long 
Private Sub Command1_Click() 
    Dim lvsn As Long, n As Long, s1 As String, s2 As String 
    Dim unit As String 
    Dim stmp As String 
    On The error local  Resume Next 
    'se debe specify  the directory  root 
    unit = Trim$(Text1) 
    'reserve space  the strings  than se pasarán al API 
    s1 = String$(255, Chr$(0)) 
    s2 = String$(255, Chr$(0)) 
    n = Getvolumeinformation(unit, s1, Len(s1), lvsn, 0, 0, s2, Len(s2)) 
    's1 será  the label   of volume  
    'lvsn tendrá  the boldness   of  Volume Serial Number (número  of series   of volume ) 
    's2  the type   of archives : FAT, etc. 
    'convertirlo  to  hexadecimal  for  mostrarlo like on  the  Dir. 
    stmp = Hex$(lvsn) 
    Label3(0) = s1 
    Label3(1) = Left$(stmp, 4) & "-" & Right$(stmp, 4) 
    Label3(2) = s2 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command2_Click() 
    Unload Me 
End Sub 
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) 
    'asegurarnos  of  "releases"  the memory . 
    Set Form1 = Nothing 
End Sub

Now a "portrait" of Form:




16.- the línea actual and the número of lines a -box (19/Feb)

Otras things plus than se pueden do with Sendmessage.
the declaration this OF API, for 16 and 32 bits, está on
the point 1

Const WM_USER = 1024 
Totallineas = Sendmessage(Text1.hwnd, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0&) 
Lineaactual = Sendmessage(Text1.hwnd, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, -1, 0&) + 1 



17.- Usage of Postmessage in lieu of Sendmessage (19/Feb)

On the list of distribución VB-IS, leí a response onto than is preferible, on 32 bits, to wear Postmessage in lieu of Sendmessage.
Quiero aclarar than the boldness devuelto the Postmessage, is yes ha could put the message on the cola or don't .
for tanto, yes usas Sendmessage for receive a boldness , the example former is a case , don't se te ocurra cambiarla for Postmessage.
On the demás cases, on the than simply queremos send a message the of windows and don't necesitamos wait to than the operación termine, yes podemos to wear Postmessage, already than this función trabaja of shape "asíncrona" and devolverá the control TO VB antes than Sendmessage, than trabaja of shape "síncrona" and until than don't acabe " their task " don't vuelve to house .

the declaration of Postmessage THE of 16 and 32 bits:

'declaration  OF  API  of  32 bits 
Declare Function Postmessage Lib "User32" Alias "Postmessagea" _ 
        (Byval hwnd As Long, Byval wmsg As Long, _ 
         Byval wparam As Long, Byval lparam As Long) As Long 
'declaration  OF  API  of  16 bits 
Declare Function Postmessage Lib "User" _ 
        (Byval hwnd As Integer, Byval wmsg As Integer, _ 
         Byval wparam As Integer, lparam As Any) As Integer

It than already he dicho otras times: ¡Animaros! Enviad functions and examples of their usage , i iré "aportando" the than pueda, but yes me echais a "cable", better....

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